Four commandments to become a winter lover

…Happiness is a hot drink on a cold day.

It´s freezeng arround… everywhere, but our mood is more than ready for a cold, windy, rainy and even snowy winter. Baby, it´s cozy inside.

winter lover

If your heart belongs to summer, these are the keys to become a homebird.

1. Knitted blankets are the answer.

winter lover

It started as a trend, but now it´s a way of life. You´ll enjoy days at home becoming a knitter (and will get a beyond cool blanket to get warm).

2. Hot tea is the new water.

winter lover

Just add some honey and a slice of lemon. We´d rather choosing hot chocolate, but summer is not that far away.

3. It´s all about flowers and candles

winter lover

Just because they look amazing together and you can instagram them.

4. Buy yourself some random cozy stuff

Let us give you some ideas…

winter loverwinter lover really nice things 7winter lover really nice things 8

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