Trends for the Kitchen Interior


One of the latest trends and designs we continue to see more and more industrial pieces processed in the overall kitchen environment. This seems to become a more and more popular trend. This is because the industrial pieces come with new and modern innovations processed into the final product. The latest trends involve such innovations like a large variety of different colours and sizes as well as certain alterations to make the industrial piece more suitable to the home environment, for example soft ends on the legs of stools, so they leave no marks on the floor when moved about, different kind of paint and coats so the paint doesn’t ware off as easily, and they have taken of the rough edges, so you won’t cut yourself on these interior pieces.
Another reason might be the fact that due to all of these alterations and innovations there is now a larger variety of different products available targeting more and different potential customers. The reason for that is that these interior pieces blend in rather easily into many different kinds of interiors for kitchens.



Another new trend is interpreting more green into the kitchen environment. The green brings the organic side more to the foreground. The green also brings more nature into your kitchen and with that comes more life. The green in your kitchen brings a great atmosphere. Like any other colour green has psychological effects. Some of these effects are growth and vitality, renewal and restoration, self-reliance, reliability and dependability, being tactful, emotionally balanced and calm, nature lover and family oriented, practical and down to earth, sympathetic, compassionate and nurturing, generous, kind and loyal with a high moral sense, adaptable, encourages ‘social joining’ of clubs and other groups, a need to belong.
Green is the great balancer of our mental, emotional and physical energies which is why there is so much green on our planet. Green is the heart centre of the body.
This is why a little bit of green in the kitchen can do wonders!


I am going to show you some examples of the industrial pieces in different kitchens, as well as some great examples of what a little green in your kitchen can do. You will see how well this works, we hope you get some inspiration from these great examples.



In this picture you can see a good example of an industrial styled kitchen. The use of the particular materials give this kitchen a very industrial feel. For example the brick wall finish results in a very though and sturdy feel. The use of metal and marble in the kitchen really contributes to the style as well. The choice of the furniture complements the style amazingly. And the small but noticeable touches of green have a great effect in this kitchen.



Here you can see a great blend of both the green theme as well as the industrial style, all processed into this kitchen. As you can see the little bit of green gives a natural feel and atmosphere to the kitchen. The green also complements the wood processed into the kitchen. As you can see it all goes really well together. The lamps in this picture stand out a lot as well, due to their strong character are a great addition to the kitchen. They complement the kitchen in an amazing manner.



This is a great example of a little bit of vintage processed in the style. Take the chairs for example they look great and because of the colour they represent a warmer feeling, combine this with the little bits of green in the kitchen and you get a warm yet natural feeling as well as atmosphere in your kitchen. The vintage chairs are a great addition to the kitchen as they give a lot of personality to this particular space.



This great looking kitchen has a lack of natural elements processed into it, despite the fact that the floor is made of wood there is still that bit of nature that misses if there was also a lack of green plants in this kitchen. As you can see there is a great natural presence due to the green elements in the kitchen.



Here you can see a great example of an industrial design kitchen with some natural elements. Some of these elements include wood on the furniture as well as a darker wooden surface. The industrial style is determined by the use of the different materials and furniture pieces, like for example the lamps and the stools which are more and more a trend. This kitchen has a lot of open space as well as a white which gives an even more spacious impression, but with the help of the natural elements like the floor and the wood in the furniture, the kitchen gets a warm feeling and an industrial style when all these elements are combined.

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