Why don’t you knock on our door? At Really Nice Things we are always ready to meet new people, to discover passionate ideas, to create new projects that run away from normality and fill the atmosphere with good vibes and, of course, to find new members for our family.

It’s easy! Search among these qualities, if you feel identified with most of them or have a new quality to offer that you think we might like send your CV to rrhh@reallynicethings.es

1. Plants lover
2. Decoration fan
3. Good vibes creator
4. Bilingual, multilingual ... (imaginary languages are not allowed)
5. You run away from stereotypes
6. Kilos of ideas
7. You never miss an afterwork
8. Teamwork is essential
9. Contributor of ideas with no fear
10. Positivity above all
11. Motivational motor at 120km / h
12. Learning is living
13. You like challenges
14. You like to reinvent yourself

If you would like to do an internship with us or any kind of collaboration you can also send your CV to our virtual mailbox rrhh@reallynicethings.es.

They talk about us

Imagen09: MSN Imagen07: LEVANTE Imagen11 VONGUE Imagen06: LA RAZON Imagen08: LEXUS Imagen02: ARQUITE Imagen03: GLAMOUR Imagen04: GUSTO EN CASA Imagen05: HOLA Imagen10 VANIDAD Imagen01: AD Imagen09: MSNImagen07: LEVANTEImagen11 VONGUEImagen06: LA RAZON